
snippets of background information

To avoid any possible misconceptions, I am not a thirty-year-old travel editor, a manufacturer of artisan paper, nor a Floridian. My interests are reflected in the content of this website, but for home page display purposes, I love words, dark chocolate, gardening, biology, noncommittal dabbling in code, and italics. I think you are probably cool, too.


closest thing to a blog that's going to happen here.

May 3, 2024: Lots of strawberries about today (see writing scraps and scraps of yarn). I was trying to write something about contentment but always end up thinking about fruit regardless of the mood

September 28, 2023: Put up some sort of poem, a response to a prompt from a spoken word group I joined veryyy briefly. Hope you'll give it at least half a snap.

April 2, 2023: Crochet pics added under "life"! It's been a (very cool) minute, but it looks like there are nice new Neocities sites out there :))

November 19, 2022: Doing the food on Instagram thing. Recommend some good plants for CA foraging.

July 23, 2022: It's hot here. This is to be expected. Academic grinding aside, more recently I've been interning at a place with good snacks and dividing up vegetables and succulents into different pots to give them more space to grow. I also bingeread the first two of the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson; the Way of Kings was significantly better than its sequel but I guess that's how it tends to go for a lot of books. Haven't written in a while but would like to ease back into it. Or just mess with layouts because I haven't done much there lately, aside from being too perfectionist about making flyers for a campus org. For until I get around to those activities, may your summer (or winter) be virus and mosquito-free.

January 1, 2022: Happy New Year! Dusted off "Buzzcut" from its place in my files and added it to short stories.

August 1, 2021: Put up another mildly plotless scrap, which is just a little too long to be a proper scrap but still mostly plotless.

July 3, 2021: New page under "life" for poorly formatted photos :))

July 1, 2021: Bringing back sidebars, typewriter font, and liberally applied transparencies! All the pages should now be properly linked—although not all the way cleaned up. Please let me know if you find anything broken or looking un-purposely unstyled (except in the reading and writing sections which I want to comb through and redo a bit) because that is probably a mistake. (Please also point out if I incorrectly use a hyphen instead of an en dash. I probably won't fix it, but it would be nice to observe people obsessing over punctuation use.)

June 29, 2021: As I'm going through and deleting/reformatting pages, unable to believe I actually wrote some of the words on here (on Station Eleven, "ultimately a glowing novel on hope, poignantly written with grace and quiet drama"—this reads like I took the last phrases from a couple movie reviews and rearranged them into the fluffiest sentence possible), I'm also being reminded of books I liked a few years ago. Which now have updates. (On Francesca Zappia's Eliza and Her Monsters and The Children of Hypnos: "I’m excited for the second Children of Hypnos book if it will ever be written." For some background, Children of Hypnos is a fantasy series the author references in Eliza, which the main character uses as inspiration for a webcomic, also featured in the book.)

I am finally aware the second volume/serial of The Children of Hypnos arrived and is complete, which means I will now be binge-reading it and probably Eliza again for the feeling of bookception, Zappia writing some light gore and overanalyzing her own work and the nature of fandom within her book, and nostalgia.

June 24, 2021: In the process of bringing back some green (and orange)!

June 20, 2021: v e r t i c a l i t y ! !



talk to me.
poppy image from imaginings; background texture from Viahorizon on Subtle Patterns